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The Heartbeat

Exciting Developements!

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

In some ways this week feels like we are starting anew. Without J.P. Herttzler and Mike Blizzard, Yoder’s definitely is looking at a new era. Though it is actually exciting to look at new and fresh ways to get things done. I truly understand there will be some challenges as we adjust to our lack of expertise. Saying all that I am excited about some new ideas and direction Kevin Harbin is going with retail store. I think our customers will see the difference as well.

Yoder’s is well aware of the fact that to continue to be a leader in the supply of Building Materials and Services to the Professional Builder that we need to understand where the market is and what the future projections are. Our perspective is this. The residential market will continue to be challenged and is forecast to make a slow rebound. You may have noticed that the counter has gotten busier. You may have also noticed that Trish has added the counter to her duties. You will continue to see us focus on the counter as that is one very bright spot in this ever changing market. Another world of opportunity is the commercial market. The Cabinet Department has made tremendous strides in the commercial world and have signed some really big contracts. The same opportunity is there for all the other departments if we are all willing to make the changes and learn the language of the commercial folks. We are excited to announce that Jason Simpson will be moving into the Commercial Coordinator role next week. Jason will be responsible of pulling all commercial contracts together and helping the departments chase new commercial work. He will be the coordinator for the outside sales people as well when it comes to commercial jobs. Most of commercial jobs will probably be installed work. That is an additional opportunity! This is a truly exciting new world of opportunity for Yoder’s.

Let me be really clear about something. We are still focused on Residential work. We are just adding Commercial work to it. We need everybody to understand that it will take all of us working together to make a difference in this market. There is no doubt we have the best team of people! This refocusing has a lot of potential and is really exciting!


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