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The Heartbeat


Updated: Nov 8, 2022

First off, yes we did move the Cabinet Shop and expanded it in Westminster. Yoder’s will soon have the capacity to build whole custom kitchens and make and finish custom interior and exterior doors. I am really excited about the potential of the shop!

Rumor also has it that Yoder’s is starting a truss plant. That is kinda true. We are looking at starting a floor truss operation at Westminster. It would start very small and could grow from there. I heard the rumor yesterday so i figured i might need to clarify. We are not thinking about building roof trusses, but simply manufacturing trim joist or floor trusses. IT IS STILL IN THE THOUGHT AND RESEARCH STAGE. We think Lee Hunt has great capability in the design and management areas and that Chris Watkins knows production.

We are also pursuing starting Yoder’s Warehouse and Surplus at Westminster and this would not only include selling Yoder’s Seconds but also buying trailer loads of surplus material and making a robust business out of it!

Chris, Gary, Twila, Trish, Diane and whoever else did a great job with the HBA meeting last night!

We have got an awesome team!


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